Wednesday, January 7, 2009

new year.....

So for years I have not made any resolutions, but this is a new year, right? Lately I have been very moved to write down some goals so that I will be motivated to become the person that I can be proud of, so here goes my new year resolutions:

1:To seek God more, and let him father me; praying more regularly, fasting more and loving more.
2:Seek out what it means to be a man, and what it means to lead.
3:To love my wife more, show her that I picked her because I want relationship with her more than anyone else, I want to build her up and show her that she is an amazing woman and mother that deserves praise.
4:I want to live my life more fiscally responsibly, I want to learn how to live within my means, and still give my family what they need.
5:I want to seek out deeper friendships with folks from our church, spending more time with them.
6:I want to do the best that I possibly can at work and school.
7:To be the father I like to think that I am, spending more time with my kids and talking to them more kindly.
8:To follow Jesus more closely, letting his way of thinking invade my life and free me from my old mindsets.
9:To love more deeply every thing that I do or interact with.

I think that these will keep me busy for a while.


FCB said...

Hi Cheyne,
Very thoughtful post, and all noble endeavors that glorify God and make life so much more meaningful. I wish you the best this year in growing in each of the nine areas you listed.

I can offer a couple of resources that will be of some help achieving fiscal responsibility.
One of the most famous books written on the subject is by Samuel Smiles titled "Money - its use and abuse." 1882
Actually that is merely a chapter from his extensive work called "Happy Homes - The Hearts That Make Them - Thrifty People Why they Thrive." Yes, many titles back then were exhaustive. But the first title I mentioned above has been reprinted over the years and can be purchased inexpensively at Amazon or
I recommend it for all without reservation.
In addition, to get the flavor of it, you can read exerpts from it and other authors on my blog around July 2006. It will give you hope, tools and enthusiasm that will help you toward your goal.
God bless,

Candice Houston said...

I love you. These, like you, are amazing!