For me, my relationship with God has been an interesting journey, we have ebbed back and forth through times of real closeness and times of doubt and distance. But lately through some revelations, and tears my closeness with God seems to be back, bringing me out of the darkness of doubt into the light of love. Realizing that God has the same love for us and me that I have for my own children, I just think of when each of my kids were born, they came out, still covered in that new born film all slippery and slimy, I held them in my arms and I felt this love come over me just totally pure not because of something they did but just because they were there. This love is almost unexplainable, but it is real, really real. Placing that knowledge of God as our father at the center of my life, really brings me peace about my own father and the fact of who my true father is, the one is with me all of the time, the one who when I listen will guide me.
1 year ago
You are such a good father. I think of those same moments. You are the son of the best Father!
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