Thursday, December 4, 2008

As a Christian....

I wanted to repeat Jay Bakker's Revolution Church sentiment " As a Christian, we are sorry for being self-righteous judgmental bastards!" - I too as a christian am sorry for this, I think that we have to own that this is what the church has been in in the past and take responsibility for it and not just say this is not who "I" am "I'm not one of those", because all of us have been, be honest with your self and with everyone, I think that people will start to respect us more for that. So don't let the bastards get you down! Jesus is not one. By the way I love Jay and his message!


Candice Houston said...

I love Jay as well! (As you know)!
Love you!

Trevor Bates said...

Brutha Jay speaks the truth. I am reminded of the good Reverend Winton Dupree. I think he elegantly put it as, "What is up Satan's ass?!"